Clean architecture with ASP.NET Core

Clean architecture with ASP.NET Core

Speaker: Gill Cleeren



Building a web application with ASP.NET Core is one thing, building them in a testable and maintainable way is another.

Clean architecture has over the years proven to be a way to create a solid foundation for enterprise-ready applications. In this workshop, you will learn how to create a testable and maintainable API with the latest version of .NET Core. You’ll learn about the tools, frameworks and best practices to create an architecture that’s tested and is powering many applications. You’ll then use the API from a Blazor front-end.

After attending this workshop, you’ll walk away with ideas to create your next applications but now, based on best practices!

Agenda for the workshop:
– Architecting an ASP.NET Core API using clean architecture principles
– Adding mapping with AutoMapper
– Writing validation logic with FluentValidation
– Adding MediatR
– Working with exceptions and middleware
– Adding tests
– Implementing a front-end using Blazor (with clean code)
– Adding NSwag



– Understand the basics of APIs with ASP.NET Core
– Understand the concepts of clean architecture
– Learn how to separate your code for testability and maintainability
– Understand the basics of Blazor to build the front-end
– Write tests to test and validate your code


Topics covered:

– ASP.NET Core
– Clean architecture
– Blazor


Intended audience:



Required equipment and software:

– Laptop with Visual Studio 2019
– LocalDB
– .NET 5 SDK installed


Workshop type:

Lecture + hands-on.