Learn Entity Framework Core in 1 day

Learn Entity Framework Core in 1 day

Speaker: Jiří Činčura



Why should I care about Entity Framework Core?

It’s very good nowadays and if you’re not considering it for your project, you’re missing out. And to consider it, you need to know it! And even if you’re using it, I bet I can show you something that you didn’t know, because the pace of new features is pretty amazing last couple of years.

You have the unique opportunity to get to know 90% of features in less than 24 hours from somebody who has been in the Entity Framework (Core) turmoil since 2007, wrote a couple of providers, and spoke about it for more than a decade.



– Understanding how Entity Framework works
– What are all (most) possible mapping configurations and how to use these
– Performance considerations


Topics covered:

– Database and provider configuration
– Creating and configuring model
– Inheritance, table splitting, keyless entities, shadow properties, converters, comparers, …
– Lazy loading, split queries, custom SQL queries
– Custom mapping and custom functions
– Change tracking, ID generation, transactions, concurrency, batching
– Services configuration and implementing your own


Intended audience:

Developers, architects with standard understanding of C# and SQL


Required equipment:

Computer, smile 🙂


Required software:

Visual Studio 2019, Local DB/SQL Server


Workshop type:
